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Let's be honest; if someone were to ask you, "what's the benefit of planning ahead?" you'd probably answer quite simply: "it helps prevent mistakes". It's true in all areas of our lives; when we take the time to plan ahead, we can save ourselves time, energy and, of course; quite often planning ahead can also save us money. This is especially true in relation to cremation pre-planning. If we agree on the answer to the question "why plan ahead?" it's easy to see the enormous value of the decision to plan ahead with our Sudbury cremation services.
Certainly, whenever we make the effort to plan ahead we benefit. Not only can we save ourselves precious time and energy (and let's not forget money); but there are some other real benefits in cremation pre-planning–and not just for ourselves, but for those we love.
Benefit #1:Because you've had the foresight to plan ahead, your family will not be forced to make emotionally-difficult decisions while arranging for your final care after you're gone. There's no more difficult task than making funeral arrangements when grief is fresh; the sorrow, confusion and fatigue can make clear, decisive thinking almost impossible. Your foresight has saved them the heartbreaking task, and given them much-needed time to share their grief and get emotional support from one another.
Benefit #2: Since you've taken the time to plan ahead, you (and your family) will have greater peace-of-mind. Is there anything more valuable than peace-of-mind? We're reminded of the passage from Wally Lamb's book, I Know this Much is True: “If I could just write it down in a piece of paper, then maybe she could get a decent night's sleep, eat a little of her dinner. Maybe she could have a minute's worth of peace.” In writing down your final wishes, you've effectively given those you love far more than a minute's worth of peace; you've given hours, days, weeks and even years of peace. How priceless a gift.
Benefit #3: If you've chosen prepaid cremation, you've effectively saved some of your family's hard-earned money.The National Funeral Directors Association published a "Bill of Rights for Funeral Preplanning" which states, "Before making any decisions on preplanning or prefunding funeral goods or services, or signing a preneed funeral contract, we urge you to ask any and all questions you may have regarding the planning process." According to this guiding organization, the funeral professional you meet with to pre-plan your cremation must provide you with:
In addition, the contract provided to you must:
Are you ready to experience the peace-of-mind gained when planning ahead? We're ready to assist you. In fact, we've made it easy for you to plan ahead by offering you two ways to make your cremation arrangements ahead of time. You can use our online pre-arrangement planner, Pre-Arrange Online, in the privacy and comfort of your home. Or, if you feel a need for additional guidance, you can set an appointment to sit down with a professional to make your cremation pre-arrangements by calling us at (705)586-2449. Don't worry; there's no need to come into our offices; we'll be pleased to come to you.